Sunday 15 January 2017

Its been nearly two years for us in Kodaikanal. Two years spent trying to commune with the soil, figure out the wind and the weather, the visitors welcome and not.

An acre by the sea -  was the dream that took us to Goa twenty years ago, but that was not to be. Here we are at 2340 Mtrs, an 85 year old cottage set amidst an acre of gravel at an incline upwards of 30 degrees.

When we arrived the regulars in the yard included Bison, Wild boar, porcupine, rabbits and monkeys and indoors - fruit bats. We have since cleared the large thicket of wattle that dominated one corner and provided the security blanket for the bison, cleared away the undergrowth, and sadly, with it went the rabbits and porcupine, added a couple of strands of barbed wire atop the fence and are trying to grow stuff.

This will be an account of our experiments.